Magic, the Stars, and You: Checking in with Starsdance Mystery School

Starsdance Astrology

Classes are beginning again at Starsdance Mystery School. We launched the school in March 2020 and we are excited to welcome new students this fall with a years’ worth of curriculum grounded in queer astrology.

We begin with the foundations in The Magic of Earth and Sky. This 4-week online class, beginning September 14, gives a foundation for magical/astrological practice in the “Starsdance tradition.”

It feels kind of lofty to call our school a tradition, but we do have a unique way of approaching the study and practice of astrology. Our website gives a good introduction to our basic philosophy of community, magic, and astrology. Please look it over. I am really proud of it.

Core to our mission is a place where queerness is celebrated. There are many ways to practice astrology. Perhaps you are wondering if you are a Traditional Astrologer, Modern Astrologer, Archetypal Astrologer, Postcolonial Astrologer…

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Published by Hemlock

I am Hemlock ShiningCoil. I am unfolding.

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